Please read all the different areas of the support team
& than fill out the form below. Thanks!
The Youth Ministry Support Team
is a group of adults that support COK's youth ministry periodically
outside the nights/sessions.
There are different areas where you can help including:
PRAYER TEAM (Periodically as needed)
- Pray for the youth ministry: families, teens, young adults, teens
- Create a way for more people to pray for the youth ministry
- Let people on the prayer team know what to pray for & update them on the ministry
FOOD TEAM (As often as Edge and Life Teen Meet)
- Buy the food from a local grocery store or make it yourself
- Set up meal
- Clean up after the meal
- You can donate or get reimbursed by the COK.
Save the receipt & give it to Paula
LIFE TEEN FOOD TEAM = 1-2x a month on Sunday Nights (Dinner & Dessert)
EDGE FOOD TEAM = 1-2x a month on Friday Nights (Dinner & Dessert)
CHAPERONE/DRIVERS TEAM (Periodically as needed)
- We like to have fun here at COK Youth Ministry! One of those ways is by going on outings & retreats!
But we can only get teens there if we have adults who will drive & chaperone for us!
- To chaperone/drive you MUST get Virtus (Diocese of Charleston's Child Protection) trained
& fill out a driver’s background check to drive teens to events.
- Help Paula create a database of adults who can drive/chaperone events
EVENTS TEAM (Periodically as needed)
- If you have ever planned a birthday party for your child this is the perfect team for you!
- Help with the planning of different events: outings or socials
- Paula will work with you & exactly what information she needs for the events
- Help advertise for the events we will offer
- Get more people involved in the planning of the events
SERVICE TEAM (Periodically as needed)
- Service is a huge part of COK Youth Ministry!
- Work with Paula on when to offer different service opportunities throughout the year for middle school
& high school teens along with their families.
ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM (Weekdays or Periodically as needed)
- Help Paula with office duties that will free her up to be with teens
- Buying needed items & running errands for youth ministry
OUTREACH TEAM (Periodically as needed)
- Do you have a heart for the lost? The outreach team might be for you!
- Plan ideas to reach out to the teens not involved in youth ministry
- Find out why teens are not involved & find out ways to bring them in
- Work with Paula on creating an Outreach Plan on ways to keep inviting teens to be involved
PARENTS LIFE TEAM (Periodically as needed)
- As a parent of three sons, I have firsthand knowledge of how important it is to support parents
- Work with Paula to figure out the needs of parents here at COK & ways to help to support them
- Figure out ways to offer opportunities for parents to grow more in their faith
- Also part of this ministry is inviting parents to be a part of youth ministry in some way
Do you see another need in youth ministry?
Do you have other talents that you could share?
Other possible teams in the future: Set-Up Team, Environment Team, Media Team, Retreat Team
Please get in touch with Paula if you have any other ideas!