
This page is just for you. Here at Christ Our King Youth Ministry we realize that Youth Ministry is not just for teens but we are here for you as parents too. W We are here to pray with you & support you as you raise your teen(s). You aren't alone.
What We Offer For You:
RESOURCES: You will see below some resources for parents. We want to give you some great tools to use as you lead your teens closer to Christ.
WORKSHOPS: A couple of times during the years we want to start offering workshops for parents. The topics will be topics that are important to you as a parent. Some examples of topics: social media, how to pray together as a family, anxiety/stress in teens.
Have topic ideas? Please let us know HERE.
PARENT LIFE: We would love to start opportunities for parents to gather during Edge & Life Nights to pray, learn, & discuss faith/life topics. We have the resources for you. We just need a few parents to get it going. This would be a wonderful example to your teen(s) that you always have to continue to work on your faith. Want to help get Parent Life going? Contact Ashley!

This is a great website for parents on topics such as
Marriage, Parenting, Family, & Faith
Create a parent account
by using our parish code: cok29464
Formed is a great place to learn more about your faith on the go. It is like Netflix for our Catholic Faith!
There are movies, audio, & books
Christ Our King offers many opportunities for adults to continue to grow in their faith. Click the above link to be directed to more information on those groups.
I have this ongoing list that I want to share with families. This is a great place to get ideas on how to make our faith a part of everyday living with your family.
Need some ideas for great Catholic gifts? These days there are tons of really cool products out there. Check out the link above to see a list of them. There is also a Catholic Christmas List that Busted Halo puts out yearly.
Want to start reading scripture more?
Want to help your teen develop a love for the Word of God? Click the link above to be directed to our webpage that gives you some helpful tips!
Liturgy Guide
Access Code: cok29464
Look at Summit & Ascend
for help diving into the Sunday Readings